HSAIO KUO - THE SMALL PREDOMINATE Commentary: When the small predominate, rectitude leads to success. Minor things may be achieved, but not major ones. The bird on the wing tells us that one should remain humble, not strive for advancement. This is very auspicious. Image: Thunder on the mountain symbolizes the small predominating. Thus the superior man is reverential in his conduct, sorrowful in bereavement, thrifty in his expenditure. Changing Lines 1. The bird on the wing meets ill-luck. 2. Passing the ancestor, she meets the ancestress. He reaches the minister, not the ruler. There is no blame in this. 3. If you are not careful enough, you may be attacked from behind. This is inauspicious. 4. It is good not to try and go too far. Advance leads to danger. Be wary, cautious, and impeccably steadfast. 5. Heavy clouds from the west, but no rain. The prince shoots the quarry in the cave. 6. If one overshoots the goal, the bird in flight signals misfortune. Ill-luck and damage follow.